Significant investment has been made into the innovative Technology and Technical Development Centres in Lübeck, Germany and Chester in the UK.
Katech: The Food Industry’s Secret Weapon
Dairy & Dairy Alternatives
Plant-based Meat and Fish Alternatives
← Katech: The Food Industry’s Secret Weapon
Significant investment has been made into the innovative Technology and Technical Development Centres in Lübeck, Germany and Chester in the UK.
©2025 KaTech Ingredient Solutions GmbH Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone
Mapa strony | Polityka prywatności | Informacje prawne
| Site by eclipse marketing
©2025 KaTech Ingredient Solutions GmbH Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone
Mapa strony | Polityka prywatności | Informacje prawne
| Site by eclipse marketing